Sunday, June 5, 2011

You Mean You Can't Give Me All the Shots at Once?!?

What?  Sometimes they do that when you get your ears pierced!!  When I first got mine pierced, I had two women stand on either side of me, and on three - they pierced my ears at the same time.  I didn't realize that my question sounded a bit absurd when I called to schedule our Immunizations for the trip.  I proceeded to ask the secretary if I could get several of the needles at once - to which she really didn't seem to know how to respond.  Turns out I didn't have that choice when the time finally came this past Wednesday.  One at a time for me.  One PAINFUL needle at a time...FIVE times.

We went to the Occupational Travel Clinic at the Paoli Hospital for our first round of shots (we split them up between there and the Chester County Clinic in West Chester depending on where the cheapest was). Fortunately we had an AMAZING nurse named Carly at the Paoli clinic.  AJ and I joked that it was as if we were having dinner with Carly - as if we knew her our whole life!  Aside from her scaring us into thinking we may get every contractible disease in the known third-world region,... and then continuously poking us like lab rats,...she really was nothing short of amazing!  

At the first clinic - AJ had to get 4 Shots, and I got 3 (I chose to take the oral medication instead of the shot for the Typhoid).  At the second clinic, I got 2 more, and AJ got 3 more.  So let's do a little math... 4 + 3 + 2 + 3 = WAY TOO MANY SHOTS!  Not to mention we walked out of the first clinic with a total of 5 prescriptions.  But again, at the second clinic - God blessed us with an amazing nurse again!  This woman, when she found out where we were going, decided to give us these three rolls of stickers to give out to the kids when we are in Kenya.  How sweet is that!?  We were so moved by her thoughtfulness and couldn't believe what an incredibly sweet gesture that was.  Needless to say, we have some thank you notes to send out to these two lovely women. 

As far as side effects; no we did not temporarily contract yellow fever, meningitis, typhoid, Polio, the flu...etc. etc.  AJ's only side effect was that he was tired the following day.  I was tired...but I also had some nice black and blue bruises one my arms that made it difficult to move them much.  Then of course, because I get weird side effects to everything - I managed to get horrendous pain inside of my knee joints.  It was pretty terrible.  Three tylenol and a good night's rest took care of that though!  Overall, not too bad.

So now, for the Update on the Financial Aspect of the Trip:


We have officially raised $7,000 for this trip!!!  If your not blown away,...that's ok - because we certainly are!  To think, in just two and a half months God has blessed us with the entire cost of the trip, the cost of the passports, as well as covering the entire cost of the immunizations and prescriptions!  He knew the extra fees over the original cost of the trip before we even did, and he made sure we had every penny to take care of it.  

$5000 - Cost of the trip
$1200 - Immunizations and Prescriptions (a bit more than we anticipated)
$500 - Passport/Expedited Fees

Now, with about $300 left - we have enough to take care of any extra expenses in the preparation of this trip, as well as any expenses that may crop up when we are there.  Whatever is left will be used to either help someone else with the cost of their trip, and/or go towards some of the needs we will encounter while we are there.

So there is your massive update!! I know we are starting to sound like a broken record with this - but seriously, we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and prayers.  You have allowed God to use you to bless us, and it is so much more appreciated than we could ever express in words.  Now we pray the He will bless each one of you!!  

"And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." ~ Philipians 4:19 
(P.S. I apologize if you are having difficulty subscribing to this blog.  For some reason I can't figure out why it doesn't allow you to do it - or how you would go about figuring it out, but I added an e-mail option so you can subscribe that way instead.)  

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